Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Watch out for the Ghosts….

July 9th, 2009 · No Comments · La Vida

Ann lives in the Marina district, right by fishermans warf and Fort Mason.  She took me on a tour of the scenic area.  At one point, we cut across the lawn at Fort Mason, where a wedding reception was taking place inside.  As sneaky as we were trying to be…we weren’t able fly under the radar.  A hyper, young brother and sister spotted us and came running down from their perch, to greet us and warn us of the ghosts all around.

This little boy left quite an impression on Ann and I.  After MUCH conversations about all the ghosts around he granted us special alligator skin so we could continue on our way and be safely.   As we were walking away…..he jumped out of his courageous superhero role and grabbed my leg looking up at us and pleaded to come along….!  I wish I could convey how cute and animated this little fellow was!  Ann and I joked that he is going to have one heck of an interesting life.

And while we were having our animated conversations, his sister was marveling at her scarf flowing in the wind.  If only I had any contact info, I would love to send their mother these pictures…..

Here is a view of Alcatraz, that was the backdrop to our Ghost conversations!


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