Wind And Waves

Living and Loving

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Inner Life

March 6th, 2011 · No Comments · La Vida

This picture was "borrowed without asking" from Ken Krane, illustrator.

Everyone has an inner life; its just a matter of opening it.  What Parker Palmer wisely suggests is that we can only feel something to the degree that we are willing to meet its depth  Just as we must open our eyes – must raise our lids – to see, we must raise our barriers and open our hearts and minds, if we are to see and feel the essence of the life around us.
To develop our own inner life is tantamount to opening our deepest eyes.  It has much to do with raising our walls with living from our own depths so we can experience the depths around us.
Too often, while cut off from our inwardness, we complain that the things about us are shallow and boring, not worth our attention, when more often than not, it is we who are out of touch.
To see deeply, we must open deeply.

– Mark Nepo


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